Thursday, May 20, 2010

A Command Performance

In the 7 weeks since the tragedy on April 6 which killed 29 miners, Mr. Blankenship has earned nearly a 1/2 million dollars as CEO of a union-busting company that has been cited 600 times for safety violations in the past 18 months alone, and is a vocal opponent of industry regulations.

Mr. Blankenship will earn nearly $16,000 each day he is scolded by lawmakers on Capitol Hill--many of whom share his opposition to tighter regulations and industry employees represented by unions.

For Blankenship's ability to sit before lawmakers, concerned citizens, and the grieving families of the 29 non-union Massey employees, and state with a straight face that safety comes before profits at Massey, he deserves every penny, for a command performance few could replicate.

What a disgrace!

This author would welcome the identification of Massey products and companies that use them so this educated consumer may choose not to contribute to the millions of dollars Blakenship earns at the helm of a company that repeatedly flaunts safety, regulation, and lawful employee representation. As for the pots calling the kettle black, on Capitol Hill, don't waste ALL your pious indignation and finger waggling on Blankenship, BP Oil is just coming ashore.

Pension Fund managers from several states vote against 3 Massey board members re-election.

Proposal for the Boycott of Massey Energy on Facebook!/pages/Proposal-For-the-Boycott-of-Massey-Energy/115593658451644?v=info&ref=mf#info_edit_sections